

diet clinic
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
What diet is best for kidney disease?

Either you may be prescribed by a doctor to have kidney diets or if you are suffering from any renal disorder, you must pay your attention towards this diet plan. The diet plan is appropriate for people who are under renal issues. Please do not start this plan, on your own, but consult your concerned doctor before starting the diet plan.

Patients who are under renal issues should get a diet in which there is an optimum balance of elements like sodium, potassium and creatinine is there. This diet plan carries the foods which bear moderate ratio of these essential elements. You have to stay away from oily and spicy foods. Excessive green leafy vegetables are not good for you. Lighter diets are preferable for you. Take plenty of water daily for better functioning of liver and kidney. You may take walk, if your body and doctor allows for that.

Our diets are prepared with extreme caution and care and the foods are appropriate for a kidney patient but diseases vary from person to person therefore the effect of the diet may vary too. The diet plan is not a cure to any disease but it helps in cure of renal diseases. Vegan and non vegan food choices are available.
After carefully going through the diet plan you will feel better and your health will start improving. Weight loss may occur if necessary. Hope you get well soon.