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Dietician Sheela Sherawat
Top 6 health benefits of cumin

Using spices to the food we eat is always a better way of including health and life to any food. All household use spices to add flavor and taste in the foods, and how we can not mention our Indian household culture, which is often referred to as the 'home of spices'.
Turmeric, Thyme, Cayenne, Rosemary, Garlic, Cumin, Ginger, Cinnamon, Sage - just to name a few, are not only known to add variety, taste, and flavor to the food but are also highly regarded for their profound medicinal benefits. Since the ancient times in India and Asia, these spices have been widely used for their innumerable health benefits and even have the potential to defy life-threatening diseases and ailments apart from improving our overall health and wellbeing.

One such spice that is widely used in the Indian Culture is Cumin Seeds. It is extensively cultivated and used for cooking in our country in all religions and cultures. Acclaimed dietician, health expert, and founder member of Diet Clinic, Sheela Seharawat says that cumin seeds are a great aid in digestion due to the presence of an aromatic compound in it called Cuminaldehyde. Cumin also aids in the production of an enzyme in our bodies, known as thymol that helps to relieve respiratory disorders, anemia, digestion issues, and even certain forms of cancers and also aids in a great way in lowering cholesterol levels.

The top health benefits of Cumin
Cumin is a popular spice made from the seeds of Cumin plant and has extensive use in culinary practices in India and many Asian, Latin and African countries. It is used in both grounded and whole forms that impart warn and hearty flavor to any dish it is added. Both cumin and its essential oil is known to impart valuable nutrients that are extremely vital for our health
Cumin is a great source of iron, calcium, phosphorous, manganese and magnesium, vitamin A, C, E, and K along with vitamin B6, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamin. Noted below are some top healths benefits of consuming cumin are:

1. It is great for our digestive health
Better digestion and cumin are synonymous. It revs up the digestive process by increasing the activities of the digestive enzymes; It is also substantially potent in helping the release of bile from the liver that further helps in the digestion of fats and certain other nutrients in our gut. Studies have found that regular consumption of cumin aids in relieving from IBS – irritable bowel syndrome.

2. Helps improving blood cholesterol levels
Clinical studies conducted on the health benefits of cumin consumption states that it can help improve blood cholesterol levels in humans by decreasing the levels of unhealthy blood triglycerides. It also supports decreasing the levels of LDH (bad cholesterol) by nearly 10% in people with cholesterol issues.
Cumin has the benefit of hypolipidemic properties, which helps to control high levels of cholesterol in the body and even reduced it.

3. Helps in reducing the risk of diabetes
Cumin has been regarded as a great aid in diabetes control and prevention, and it does so by reducing the chances of hypoglycemia. Reports and studies reveal that cumin seeds may help in preventing diabetes to a great extend.
The consumption of cumin can result in a significant reduction in blood glucose and decrease glucosuria - a condition where the urine contains too much glucose, also resulting in hypoglycemia and diabetes. Some studies show that cumin can have positive implications in the reduction of glucose in humans.

4. Is great against respiratory disorders
Cumin contains caffeine - a stimulating agent, and its richly aromatic essential oils act as disinfectant making it an ideal anti-congestive combination against respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis.
Cumin acts as an expectorant - meaning it helps in loosening up the accumulated phlegm and mucus in our respiratory tracts and makes it easier to eliminate it from the system via sneezing or coughing or by spitting. Cumin can aid in eliminating as much mucus and phlegm as possible inhibits the formation of additional material and helps heal the initial conditions that may lead to its further formation and bigger trouble.

5. Promotes weight loss and fat reduction
If you are cautious in managing your body weight and want to cut down fats, cumin could be of great help. Studies show that overweight people regularly using cumin in their food have better weight loss results as compared to those who don't or the ones who take weight loss medications.
Adding some cumin powder in plain yogurt and consuming it every day can produce significant results with losing weight, body fat, and waist size. Cumin not only helps in losing weight quickly but also influences the body's fat profile positively by reducing the levels of harmful lipids in the blood.

6. Can help against stress and memory loss
It is a confirmed fact that consuming cumin or cumin extracts before any stressful activity can promote better handling of stress. The body has been found to have a comparatively lower stress response when it does not receives the extract. Cumin helps fight the effects of stress by working on the body as an antioxidant. It can be said that cumin is a more effective antioxidant than even vitamin C, as per these studies.
Cumin and its extract also have positive effects on memory. Studies have found that on receiving cumin extract the brain has a better and faster recall. Loaded with the richness of power-packed minerals and vitamins like zeaxanthin, riboflavin, vitaminB6, and niacin, regularly consuming