

weight Loss
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Five ways to lose stomach fat in a week

Losing weight is not an easy task as it takes dedication as well a time to get the desired result. With proper guidance, you can easily lose weight quickly. You are not at all alone, as the Best dietician in India will help you out with this. The Diet clinic will help you get desired results and that too in just a week. Isn't it amazing? There is nothing impossible in this world, including weight loss in a week.

Ways to lose stomach fat in a week

Stomach fat is considered the most harmful fat in the body and reducing it is challenging. However, avoiding junk food, cutting off alcohol and working out are among the best ways to lose weightincluding stomach fat. Additionally, you should also keep in mind essential tips that will help you to burn belly fat in a week. Below are some useful tips listed to help you lose belly fat in a week:

  1. You should include aerobic exercise in your daily routine

The stomach or belly is one of the few places on the body where fat is stubborn. However, you can lose stomach fat by doing some high-intensity aerobic workouts. By including these aerobic exercises in your daily routine, you can quickly burn the maximum amount of calories.

  1. You should avoid consuming refined carbs

Cutting down on refined carbs can help you to lose stomach fat in a week. When you start avoiding refined carbs like rice, white bread, cookies, pasta and chips, you will start seeing the difference. Instead, you should include fiber-rich carbs in your diet like vegetables, low glycemic fruits etc. you will lose stomach fat quickly. Diet clinic experts do not advise you to follow a low carb diet but suggest replacing refined carbs with unprocessed starchy carbs.

  1. 3.    Have a high protein breakfast

If you want to lose stomach fat in a week, you should consume high protein breakfast as it will help you to keep you full and satisfied.  You will be less likely to overeat all through the day. The best dietician in India suggests consuming healthy flat belly foods, including eggs, legumes, fermented dairy, nuts, fish and poultry.

  1. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is also one of the best ways to lose stomach fat in a week. However, many detox drink for a flat belly, but drinking plain water can also help you achieve what you want. Looking for how to lose stomach fatquickly? Start staying hydrated.

  1. 5.    Consume soluble fiber

Consuming soluble fiber is a must to achieve weight loss goals as it is a food that contains healthy bacteria in your gut. Soluble fiber also boosts your health in many ways during your weight loss regime. Diet clinic advice there client to have soluble fiber as it is linked to lower visceral fat, i.e. stomach fat.

Losing stomach fat is a common weight loss goal for many. A Diet clinic will help you to achieve your goal.  If you are seeking ways to lose weight quickly, then the best dietician in India will help you out by guiding you with some key lifestyle changes, a healthy diet and some specific exercises.