

diet clinic
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Stress less, sleep more

There is not one facet of your physical, mental and emotional performance that is not affected by the quality of your sleep. In today's hyperactive world, millions of people suffer from chronic sleep and experience poor quality rest.
Lack of sleep causes poor immune systems, diabetes risks, cancer, obesity, depression, memory loss.
On the other hand, those who sleep well benefit in the long run. They are in a good mood, healthier, better focused and therefore more able to benefit from their days.

Sleep and stress
Sleep is one of the first indicators of stress. Indeed, the production of cortisol reduces serotonin levels in the body, which has a direct impact on sleep. Having good sleep management is, therefore, one of the first barriers against the negative effects of chronic stress. Adopt regular sleep schedules and develop in the habit of getting up every day at the same time. Enjoy relaxing activities in the evening, before going to sleep.

The value of sleep- as per dietician Sheela sherawat

  • As a general rule, being awake is a so-called catabolic state (you break down) and sleep is anabolic (you build). Sleep is known to be a high anabolic state, which increases the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, skeletal and muscular systems. Sleep rebuilds you and keeps you fit.
  • Sleep is not an obstacle or a "luxury", but a real priority. It's a natural condition that your body needs to stimulate your hormonal function, heal your muscles, tissues, and organs, and make your mind work at its optimum level. Have you ever made a bad decision and woke up the next day thinking, "But how did I get to do that?” It probably had more to do with your lack of sleep than you realize.
  • When you are deprived of sleep, you become slower, less creative, more stressed. Studies show that people who are deprived of sleep can take up to 14% more to complete tasks and make 20% more errors when they do.
  • Sleep deprivation reduces the amount of glucose that reaches the brain. That's why you take sweet snacks when you're tired - it's the body trying to get more sugar to fuel more thought.

Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours daily-this is the suggestion by the diet clinic .