

diet clinic
Dietician Sheela Seharawat
Super Foods against pollution

Super foods in a nutshell can be briefly explained as foods that are packed with numerous nutrients that our body needs for optimum functionality. As we are witnessing the worst phase of pollution hazards, it has become more important to keep ourselves protected and healthy from the effects of toxic air and other pollutants. Pollution has been the major cause of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases all across the world.

Scientific studies have revealed that the dangerous effects of pollution can be reduced with the aid of certain dietary components. Foods rich in Vitamin C and E have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory property helps clean the system and provides immunity against pollution affects. Besides food rich in vitamins, organic foods are also very helpful in the process.

Here are some super foods that have great pollution fighting qualities and should be included in our regular diet:

Avocado: an excellent source of vitamin E, this humble fruit is fill with goodies for human health. Its vitamin E, gives you resistance against many diseases caused by pollution and its Glutathione, slows down ageing process, prevents against heart diseases, stroke and cancer. More to it, this super fruit allows the body to absorb nutrients from other foods faster.


 Flaxseeds: with high levels of phytoestrogens and omega 3 fatty acids, and anti-oxidant properties it is an excellent defense against asthma and other allergic reactions caused mainly due to pollution. It is also an excellent source of fibers and can be taken roasted, in salads and baked dishes.