

Therapeutic Diet is the modified version of the patient’s regular diet. Dieticians changes the nutrient content depending on the food allergies, texture of the food is also changed due to problems in chewing or swallowing the food. This diet helps to control, correct and restores nutritional values; provide higher protein levels and lower sodium levels, balance the carbohydrates, fat and protein. It also helps in controlling the extra calories in cases of weight loss and also provides the same for weight gain. This diet may be continued for lifetime to maintain a healthy lifestyle or discontinued seeing the patient’s condition and improvement.

Therapeutic diets are formulated by dieticians available in diet clinic. Some examples of common therapeutic diets are gluten-free diet, clear liquid diets, full liquid diets, no concentrated sweet diet, diabetic diet also known as calorie controlled diet, low fat diet, high fibre diet, no added salts diet, renal diet.

Consult the dietician today
Dietician Sheela Sherawat suggests the following remedies to various patients. In case of a diabetic patient, the carbohydrates in the food are replaced by low fat food. Nutrient modifications are also done. Diabetic diet is the most commonly used therapeutic diet as it helps to control blood sugar levels. Heart patients can take low salt diet to avoid major breakouts as high fat in food can cause blockage in the arteries which is very common. They must avoid excessive salt, sugar and saturated fat. In case of patients who are intolerant to milk and are allergic to wheat, soy, peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, eggs, they can choose to use lactose free products and follow gluten-free diet. If the patient is undergoing dialysis, renal diet restricts sodium, potassium and protein levels. All the alterations in the diets are done to ensure that the meal is adequate and filling.