Organic Diets


₹4999 / $70

Organic Diets
Organic Diets

Harmful pesticides are used while the plantation of the vegetables and fruits cause long term harms to our bodies and may cause various types of cancers to the people who remain over exposed to these chemicals. Diet Clinic always suggests taking organic fruits and vegetables for a healthy and natural body development. Diet Clinic has prepared a unique diet plan that will allow you to go organic while you lose weight scientifically. Contact Diet Clinic and find more healthy ways to lose weight and live a healthy and cheerful life.

Organic foods are those which contain fewer pesticides. They are fresh and it is correct to say that they are from farm to fork form. They are environment friendly and good for us. To maintain a good health it is good to drink a lot of water, exercise, and eat organic foods. It is also good for your weight loss goal.

The word "organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution.

Organic diets helps in losing weight and we help to you to find a suitable and better organic diet plan for you.

Organic foods are produced without any modern and frequent techniques like pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They are also free from irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives. People who are concerned about chemicals and antibiotics in food may want to consider following an organic diet plan.

Following a diet plan can help people make smarter choices about what they eat and potentially leave them feeling healthier than they did before. People who would like start their own organic plan can simply substitute organics for the traditional food products they use. 

Following an organic diet is also important for having a better health. Some people often ask questions such as: does having organic diet help in losing weight? The answer is yes; organic diet helps because you’re going to be eating natural healthy foods.

The foods that make us the fattest are the fake, manufactured and processed foods that we buy. They are basically filled with sugar and chemicals that keep us overweight.

So eat organic and stay slim. Sign now with Diet Clinic and see how you can opt for a healthy mind and body just by changing your food types and eating habits.


₹4999 / $70

How It Works

As soon as you visit or clinic or download our mobile app, your have to fill registration form or activate your app, you will meet or get a call from a Dietician / Nutritionist ASAP. (Form will help us understanding your dietary, physical and medical activity, which you are required to fill). He/She will also ask you some basic questions about your lifestyle and discuss your medical history. However, this can also be done through mobile inbound chat, on a telephonic conversation or on video chat in our mobile app.
After analyzing your lifestyle, we will talk out a diet plan (that suits you the best) and we will give you 3-4 days plan at a time, you are required to give us feedback on the plan and report the weight loss on your next visit or one the day asked by your assigned Dietitian / Nutritionist on the mobile app, we will take regular weight and your body measurements. it will be noted by assigned Dietitian / Nutritionist in hard copy at the clinic or you have to upload on mobile app. you will be asked to maintain your daily diary and fill diet recall in hard copy ( for in clinic client) and your mobile app daily.

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