

Our blood is the carrier of essential nutrients and oxygen throughout our body, removes harmful wastes from the body and allows our muscles to function optimally. On an average a human body has overall 4.5 to 5.5 liters of blood and varies depending on age, sex, height and health. The red fluid than runs in our veins have a major role to play in our overall wellbeing and health.
The pumping of our heart is responsible to ensure proper movement of blood throughout our body. Together along with the blood vessels our heart carries out the process of circulation of blood. The oxygen rich blood from the heart is carried to various parts of the body through the arteries and the veins brings back the blood with carbon dioxide back to the heart.
There are many factors that influences how blood circulates in our body, making it difficult for it to move smoothly effecting our health and overall conditions resulting in initial symptoms like tingling sensations, dark circles under the eyes leading to vision loss, headaches and dizziness, loss of memory and many more.

How to Improve Blood Circulation?
Improving the circulation doesn’t have to be difficult and nor does it needs prescribed drugs. There are many natural means to improve the circulatory system function effectively and one such very potent way to do so is by adding certain food to our diets and getting involved in activities. Also. to mention without fail, that it is vital to eliminate the foods and habits that triggers poor circulation alike smoking, sedentary lifestyle, bad and unhealthy foods and alcohol consumption.
A diet rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, whole grains, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals contributes to a healthy blood flow. Try to add these foods to your regular diet and improve your blood circulation.

Beet Juice: we have heard of it many a times that beets are important to improve blood flow and get oxygen to the muscles faster. It is all because beets are rich in nitrates. Drinking beet juice is an effective way to improve blood circulation and it has also been found that beet juice consumption on regular basis reduces blood pressure and improves performance in people with peripheral artery disease, who experience pain in their legs while walking.


Watermelon: rich in lycopene, a natural antioxidant has been linked with increased blood flow. It is a natural pigment that gives the reddish colour to many fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, grapefruits and apricots.


Celery: is enriched with vitamin K, an essential nutrient responsible for healthy blood flow and blood clots. Celery being a natural diuretic and the presence of electrolytes in it helps in flushing out wastes. It happens to perfectly complement many dishes like salads and wraps and can also be consumed as a smoothie or juice.


Raw Walnuts and Almonds: the two most beneficial nuts are blessed with special antioxidants to improve blood flow and more. Vitamin E in almonds fights inflammation and omega 3 in walnuts is the only source amongst all the nuts. Consuming them raw is the nest possible way to have them.


Healthy Oats: one of the best food source known to remove cholesterol from the body, is anti-inflammatory and provide energy along with improving blood circulation in the body. Soak them overnight to improve their alkalinity and digestibility.


Raw Seeds: flax, chia, pumpkin are all packed with omega 3 fatty acids, fibers and loads of anti-oxidants. Are anti-inflammatory in nature and rich in protein which helps removing cholesterol and improves the quality of blood along with blood flow.


A few other good options are avocados, tomatoes, carrots and squash along with and other root vegetables. Remember to choose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats when it comes to eating to improve your blood flow. These foods will serve the body well on every single level without worry. Oh, and of course, don’t forget to drink that water and move!